What to Expect.


Getting ready for your appointment is easy.

  • Eat something before you come (you won’t be able to eat for 2hrs after.

  • Do NOT brush your teeth 4hrs prior to your appointment. I know, It sound weird but trust us.

  • Bring headphones to listen to your favorite audio book, podcast, or playlist while we work our whitening magic.

During Your Visit

You thought that was easy? The next step is even more simple.

  • A typical appointment duration is 1.5 hrs long.

  • We use a mouth retractor that will gently pull your lips back to expose your teeth for whitening.

  • The procedure is painless.

  • A blue light whitening accelerator will be used to ensure you get the whitest smile.

  • Your teeth whiting technician will be wearing a mask and gloves during the procedure to ensure a sanitary and safe experience.

After Care.

  • Drinking lots of water after your appointment.

  • Avoid food or beverage for the first 2 hours after.

  • Avoid dark colored food or beverage for the next 24 hours.

  • No: Coffee, tea, soda, red wine, tomato sauce, red meat or anything dark in color for the first 24hrs after.

  • Yes: Water, white meat, noodles with white sauce, white cheese and regular potatoes, ect. 2hrs after your appointment.

  • Brush gently with a white toothpaste. DO NOT BRUSH GUMS and Avoid using whitening or baking soda toothpaste for the next 48hrs after your appointment.

  • Any sensitivity is typically gone within 24 hours.